Wilmark Dynasty, Escape From Shadowland

Adventurers are trapped in the land of the Dead and must plot their escape.

'Seek life where none exists and beauty where all is shriveled and ugly. Join a company of of medieval adventurers in an attempt to rescue the lovely Persephone from the very Citadel of Death.'

"Called by the author, “the ultimate impossible quest” Escape from Shadowland once again shows the unique flavor and twist that characterizes Wilmark Dynasty products. In this adventure based on Fritz Lieber’s Sadness of the Executioner, our heroes have been set up by a Minor Death. Death has a quota to meet and heroes are always the toughest, or they were until he came across his current scam. It is a simple quest which requires the adventures to rescue the fair maiden. The first of many twists is that they must first die to make the attempt!" -- from the Days of Knight auction webpage.

There are also a number of other titles mentioned in the back of this book that were apparently in production but there is little information on whether they were released. It is likely not as this items appears to be one of the last items to make publication with Wilmark as their attention shifted to starting up a game shop......

Emphasis Role Playing
Charts and Dice Do Not a GM Make!
In Search of Starfax
The Temple of Gold
The Imprenetrable Forest
Fortunes Told, Won and Lost

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Escape From Shadowland
Publisher Wilmark Dynasty  
John M. Corradin  
Cover Artist n/a  
Publishing Year
Uncommon, over 200 knows to exist  
Full sized, 12 pgs  
Cover Price

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Impressum (Imprint)