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NonTSR Fantasy NOT D&D reference list
These publishers/games do not qualify as true supplements or adventures to the D&D game system and shall not be expanded upon on this site. In some cases they are because of the companies profile producing items that ARE D&D compatible. Perhaps another day when we get more time to make pages devoted to some of these games. As such this site will surely swell to over 10,000 items so we need to cut it off somewhere. Assistance with this list courtesy of Mike Kuo.

(Stand alone role playing system. Not much else produced.)

Adventures in Fantasy
(Dave Arneson's post D&D fantasy role playing system. By Excaliber Games; 1978.)

(The founders of this publisher originally worked on FGU's Chivalry and Sorcery system. Intended to become its
own role playing game the only two supplement made are generic in nature. The game itself never survived to full
development. Archaeron can be found on the D&D index in this department. By Archaeron Games; 1980.)

Ars Magica
(Fantasy role playing with emphasis on Magics. By Lion Rampant; 1988.)

(Later editions became a stand alone fantasy role playing system. Earlier books were little more than supplements for OD&D so they can be found within this departments index. By Grimoire Games; 1977.)

(Bard Games first run at its own game rules. Spun into Talislanta by Bard later. 1984.)

Basic Role-Playing
(Universal system developed by Chaosium as a basis for its various game lines. By Chaosium;.)

(Fantasy role playing system derived from miniatures gaming. Skytrex Ltd.; 1982.)

(Fantasy system situated in the equivalent of Japan. First by Tyr Games then Phoenix Games and FGU; 1979.)

By the Gods
(Fantasy role playing system set in mythological Greece. By Ragnorek Enterprises; 1986.)

Castle Perilous
(Stand alone fantasy system by West Wind Publications; 1981.)

Challenges Game System
(This was developed by Tom Moldvay of TSR fame, it if featured within this department anyhow because
of its similarity to Dungeons and Dragons. By Challanges International; 1986.)

Chivalry and Sorcery
(Early fantasy role playing game alternative to D&D in the 70's. Fantasy Games Unlimited; 1977.)

(By TSR; its actually a stand alone system and is probably featured somewhere on this site. Tell me if you can find it. By TSR; 1985.)

Darkus Thel
(Stand alone fantasy role playing system. Closely derivative to D&D. By Sorcerors' Guild Publications. 1979.)

Dinky Dungeons
(This is truly physically small and its a stand alone system. By Doc Games; 1985.)

(Noted wargaming giant SPI's effort at its own fantasy role playing system. By Simulations Publications Inc.; 1980.)

(System developed for 'good christian' gaming. By Adventure Learning Systems; 1984.)

(Fantasy role playing system with miniatures. By Standard Games; 1984.)

Dragon Warriors
(Stand alone game system by Corgi Books; 1985.)

Empire to the Petal Throne
(This is a very early role playing game that was actually published by TSR in its earliest form. Based on a highly
detailed fantasy setting developed first by MAR Barker. By TSR and eventually many others; 1975.)

Fantasy Hero
(First introduced by Hero Games as a fantasy role playing system and later reprinted by I.C.E. as a universal fantasy
role playing system designed for converting between major role playing systems. By Hero Games; 1985.)

The Fantasy Trip
(Steve Jackson's first fantasy system published by Metagaming Concepts; 1980.)

Fantasy Wargaming
( Stand alone role playing system set in medieval europe. By Patrick Stephens Ltd.; 1981.)

Fifth Cycle
(Fantasy role playing game system. By Shield Games; 1990.)

(Generic Universal Role Playing System...Steve Jackson Games actually designed
for use within there own game lines. By Steve Jackson Games;)

(Fantasy role playing game by Sutton Hoo Games; 1991.)

(Columbia games began producing generic rules supplements which can be found within this departments index; they grew into its own
fantasy role playing system. Columbia Games; 1986.)

(Tabletop Games UK produced this rules system for miniatures. 1979.)

Heroes of Oympus
(Fantasy role playing system set in ancient Greece. By Task Force Games; 1983.)

Hero System
(See Fantasy Heroes above. By Hero Games/ ICE; 1990.)

Hidden Kingdom
(Arthurian role playing system. By New Rules Inc.; 1985.)

High Fantasy
(This system of rules is widely panned as poor. The adventures are quality and easily convertable to D&D.
There is a page for this here on the D&D index in this department. By Fantasy Productions, 1978.)

(Knights And Berserkers And Legerdmain is a stand alone fantasy game system. By KABAL Gaming Systems; 1982.)

Knights and Magick
(Fantasy miniature rules system. By Heritage USA; 1980.)

Knights of the Round Table
(Arthurian times stand alone game system. By Little Soldier and is featured within this
D&D index even though it isn't. By Little Soldier Games; 1976.)

Lands of Adventure
(Fantasy role playing system set in ancient to medieval Earth. Designed by Lee Gold of Alarums and Excursions in our
Fanzine index on this site. By Fantasy Games Unlimited; 1980)

Land of the Rising Sun
(Fantasy system set in the equivalent of Japan. Designed by Lee Gold of Alarums and Excursions in our
Fanzine index on this site. Published by FGU; 1980.)

Legend Quest
(Fantasy role playing system. 1990's)

Man, Myth and Magic
(Fantasy role playing system in Roman times. By Yaquinto Publications; 1982)

MEGA Role Playing System
(Fantasy role playing system produced in the UK but with a Norwegian theme. Mega Games; 1987.)

Middle Earth Role Playing
(The Tolkien estate decided to separate itself from D&D legally early on in fantasy games. This desire was closely
monitored and enforced. It is very difficult to find anything that combines the
two institutions. By Iron Crown Enterprises; 1984.)

Monsters! Monsters!
(Early system developed by Ken St. Andre of Tunnels and Trolls. Players actually play the
monsters and the game master controls the adventuring characters. By Metagaming then Flying Buffalo; 1976.)

(Hippogriff Publications produced this stand alone role playing system. 1986.)

(Fantasy role playing system in ancient Greece. By Fantasy Games Unlimited; 1980.)

The Palladium Role Playing Game
(Palladium books own fantasy role playing system, some items might actually be generic and
might be highlighted within this department. 1983.)

(Arthurian fantasy role playing system developed by Chaosium; 1985.)

(Role playing system based on Margeret Weis and Tracy Hickman's Darksword novel series. By Bantam/Spectra; 1988.)

Phantasy Conclave
(Publisher of the same name's stand alone role playing system. 1984.)

Plaid Rabbit Productions Pocket Warrior
(Pocket Warrior was the name of the game. 1998)

Powers and Perils
(Avalon Hill's fantasy role playing system. 1983.)

Prince Valiant
(Based on comic strip by Hal Foster. Separate game related to Chaosium's Basic Role Playing System. By Chaosium; 1989.)

Rider Fantasy Games
(Very early Bob Liddil company making Tunnels and Trolls adaptable items. Extremely rare. 1978.)

(Additional fantasy role playing system product line developed by Iron Crown Enterprises; 1984.)

(After D&D this is perhaps the most popular and influential game system. This was the crown jewel of
Chaosium and was later purchased by Avalon Hill and then Games Workshop. 1978.)

Spawn of Fashion
(Stand alone fantasy role playing system. By Games of Fashion; 1981.)

(Fantasy role playing system in ancient Egypt. By Seventh Scarab; 1984)

(Chaosium game based on Moorcock's fictional world by the designers of T&T/Chaosium. 1981.)

(Stand alone system first developed by Heritage mini maker. Later reprinted and
expanded by Fantasy Games Unlimited. 1982.)

(Bard games developed this rules system a few years after producing a number of generic supplements. 1987.)

Thieves' Guild
(The earliest of these Gamelords efforts were simply an expansion on the D&D thief/assassin character class.
It grew into its own stand alone game system. This is largely covered in this departments index
anyhow under Gamelords, Ltd. 1980.)

Tunnels and Trolls
(Perhaps the earliest alternative to D&D; designed in 1975 and later published by Flying Buffalo. 1975.)

Valley of Pharoahs
(Fantasy role playing system in ancient Egypt. By Palladium Books; 1983)

(Games Workshop hit it big with this stand alone fantasy role playing system that eventually morphed into fantasy
miniature rules. This new type of play revolutionized the role playing industry in ways that CCG's did. 1986.)

What Price Glory
(Very early role playing game system. It is said to be very similar to D&D, perhaps we should feature this on the site? 1978.)

Wilmark Dynasty
(Melanda is the name of its independent fantasy role playing game system. By Wilmark Dynasty; 1980.)

Wizard's Realm
(Mystic Swamp produced this one part role playing system. 1981.)

Wizard's World
(Fantasy Worlds Unlimited produced this set of fantasy rules. 1983.)

(Ragnarok Enterprises produced this stand alone role playing system with many supplements describing the
world of Ysgarth. These books slip in and out of qualifying for the main NonTSR department. 1979.)

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