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Blue Dragon Dice
Item code: TSR8004
Type: Playing Aid Accessory
Release: 1981
Cover Art: Erol Otus
Format: Plastic blister on cardboard
Print Runs: → 1st (1981)
Rarity: Rare
Value@NrMint: $20
ISBN: na
Price: na
Weight: 50 grams
Dimensions: Width: 10.5 cm;
Height: 16.5 cm;
Depth: 2.0 cm
"Marking Your DRAGON DICE&Trade; Percentage Generators
  1. Rub the non-toxic marker across each faxe of the die until the intended numbers are completely filled with marking material.
  2. Use a paper towel (or similar material) to rub the excess material off the face of the die, but not out of the numbers.
  3. 'Touch-up' any faces on which marker material came out of the numbers.
  4. Save the marker so that you can do additional 'touch-up' work when the marking material is eventually worn out of the numbers during normal usage
The plastic case in which these dice are enclosed is a reusable carrying case.

Also available are DRAGON DICE™ Random Number Generator, a set of six polyhedral dice made especially for DUNGEONS & DRAGON&Reg; and ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Adventure Games."
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Impressum (Imprint)