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B11: King's Festival
Item code: TSR9260
Internal Code: B11
Type: Module
Levels: 1-3
Release: 1989
Author: Carl Sargent
Editing: Jim Lowder
Cover Art: Clyde Caldwell
Interior Art: Valerie Valusek
Cartography: Dave Laforce
Format: Outer Cover
32 page stapled booklet
Print Runs: →1st (1989)
Rarity: Uncommon
Value @NrMint: $20.00
ISBN: 0-088038-746-7
Cover Price: $5.95
Weight: 110 grams
Dimensions: width: 21.2 cm
height: 27.4 cm
depth: 0.2 cm
Collector's Arcana: Pages 12-21 are insert pages consisting of pregenerated characters and maps. They are often detached or missing.

Description (From the back cover)

Someone has "borrowed" a cleric, and without him, the fabled King's Festival cannot go on. Unfortunately, it looks like the orcs have him, and your characters must rescue.

A great learning adventure, King's Festival provides a players and DMs with valuable introduction to fantasy role-playing in the land of Karameikos. Full of helpful hints for the players and the DM, this module also provides a full dose of excitement! Orcs, carrion crawlers and villains challenge the characters' fighting skills, and a host of traps and puzzles confound their wits!

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