Gen Con 11, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

August 17-20, 1978

This years Gen Con is located at the University of Wisconsin- Parkside in favor of
a larger venue in one location as opposed to the dual location the previous year.
Parkside Association of Wargamers (PAW) and TSR are the dual hosts this year.
PAW took on the venue at suggestion of Lou Zocchi. The University is located
on Lake Michigan neatly between Chicago, Milwaukee and Lake Geneva.

Guests of honor and featured lecturers
were J. Eric Holmes, editor of TSR's
Basic D&D system, and John Edwards, who
started Jedko games in Australia.

Tournament highlights of the convention include:
-256 Dungeon! tournament
-the annual Open D&D tournament with 288
players ran by Gary Gygax and Bob Blake.
This Open tournament would have
been the Drow series later published by TSR D1-3.
- This year marks the 1st Official Invitational Master's
AD&D tournament. It is won by Bob Blake.
-'D&D for beginners' and 'D&D on Barsoom' both
ran by J. Eric Holmes. The Barsoom rules were published
earlier by TSR as 'Warriors of Mars'.

-'Run, Hobbit, Run' D&D<-please write us if this was ever published.
-'Dungeon War' D&D tourney
-plus other non specific D&D tourneys ran by Len Lakofka, Ernie Gygax,
Jeff Dee, Timothy Jones

Other events include EPT, Metamorphosis Alpha, Runquest workshops,
the typical Gygax speech on gaming, Lankmar, etc.

Auction is headed by Mark Bartnikowski, Paul Wood
and Bill Somers. All members of the Metro Detroit
Gamers (MDG).

Flop space- This is the first (and last) mention of
sleeping accomodations on the site of convention
of any of the programs we have researched. Cost
was $3.50 per night with a max number of folks at
200. Bring your own sleeping bag!

Souvenir program contains nice full page ads for both the new
G1 G2 and G3 pastel Giants modules series and the
new AD&D players handbook.

Please write us with any more information. We are particularly
interested in hearing if any of the mentioned D&D scenerios ring a
bell with anyone with respects to later published modules by TSR or
other. Contact us.

Gen Con XII souvenir program, digest size


Impressum (Imprint)