Gen Con 21/Origins, MECCA Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

August 18-21, 1988.

This Gen Con is held at the Mecca Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This marks
the first time Origins and Gen Con merge in the same tournament. 500 plus judges
offer over 1000 game events. There is a remarkable upgrade in the convention
program in both mass and number of Ads and features. This program resembles
all of the programs from the 90's into 2000. This event is co-hosted by TSR
and GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association).

Again a tote bag, tshirt, coffee mug and clipboard
are offered for sale with this years Gen Con logo
on them.

More information needed! Please write us with more information or
images. Contact us.


Gen Con 21 on site program, full size Pre-reg looks identical with title saying Pre-registration.


Gen Con 21 pocket schedule, full size (for big pockets!)








Impressum (Imprint)