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Bigby's Curse
Item code: TSR8099
Type: Endless Quest Novel
Release: 1995
Author: Anne Brown
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Art: Terry Dykstra
Format: Softcover novel
188 pages
Print Runs: First (September 1995)
Rarity: Common
Value@NrMint: $3
ISBN: 0-7869-0178-0
Cover Price: $3.99 U.S.
Weight: 100 grams
Dimensions: Width: 10.5 cm
Height: 17.5 cm
Depth: 1.5 cm
"The famous and powerful wizard Bigby needs your help!

Bigby drank a botched potion of longevity and now lies helpless as the evil denizens of Iuz seek to turn him into a lich. Only you can reach Bigby in time to administer the antidote - if you can find the mage locked away in his enchanted tower, and if you get to him before the setting of the sun. Wondrous, and sometimes dangerous, surprises await you behind every door. But don't forget that Iuz wants to find the wizard, too, and you're getting in the way of his plans.

It's a race against time and the forces of evil. Are you up to the challenge? Can you cure Bigby's curse?

ENDLESS QUEST® Books are action-packed stories based on exciting role-playing games that allow you, the reader, to make the decisions that determine the adventure's outcome. Read them over and over to experience new paths of excitement!

ENDLESS QUEST® - You Control The Adventure!"

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